Fine Art reproductions add the highest quality in papers and inks, preserving the details of the work and maintaining the fidelity of the image.
With high durability, following museum requirements, under suitable conditions they can last more than 200 years without losing color or yellowing.
Pigmentation, with mining inks, includes a wide variety of colors, which is resistant to water, light and UV action. This ensures that the paintings can be displayed in bright places, such as outdoors.
The reproductions are made on Canson Photo Matte Paper Textured 280 g/m² and are 42 x 30 cm (A3) in size.
Comes with frame and glass.
Consult the price of special frames, the availability of other papers and only FineArt without frame.
Illustrative images made through mockups in photographs obtained from Pexels, from: Andrea Davis, Ksenia Chernaya, Max Vakhtbovych and Rachel Claire.
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